Dear Parents,

Over the years we have heard parents say, “I wish I learned another language when I was younger,” or “it’s too bad foreign language education does not start earlier”.

One World Language School was founded based on these type of feelings. Our mission is to make foreign language learning accessible at a young age. Even though it is never too late to learn a second language, we all know that starting early is best.

Many parents say, “children are like sponges”, well…this means children can pick up a language quickly given the opportunity. For proof, just ask those who grew up in Europe, Asia, South America, etc. They learn multiple languages at the same time.

We have been around for over two decades because there is a strong interest from parents wanting their children to be bilingual. We live in a competitive global economy, and we strongly believe that knowing a second language can better prepare children for their future. The benefits of learning another language include enhanced academic performance, memory improvement, cultural awareness, better multitasking, and increased self-confidence. Leanring languages and cultures allows for future travel and business oportunities as well. We have graduates from our program living al over the world, studying in colleges abroad in the native language and working abroad

Parents and children choose One World Language School because of our teaching methodology. We teach children languages in a fun, effective way in a small group environment. We use a game-based approach that children find engaging. We appeal to all learning styles using a variety of activities. One minute the students will be in a circle passing a ball around, and asking questions of one another in the target language, next they may be participating in a mini-relay race, then a craft activity will follow and finally the class will wrap up with a reinforcement activity such as sculpting vocabulary out of play-doh. Our advanced students might be performing a skit in the target language, or they may be writing their own comic strips. The goal is to make learning another language enjoyable and unique.

We teach Chinese, French, German, and Spanish. These are the languages that tend to be offered at the junior and high school levels. Our young students get a head start to becoming more proficient in knowing a second language. In the past, we have had students who have gone on to advanced language classes at the secondary level. We even have had students enroll in German classes at the University of New Hampshire during their high school years.

We believe all students deserve a chance to learn another language. We at One World Language School enjoy providing this learning experience to all children regardless of socio-economic background, which is why we offer a generous scholarship fund. Feel free to contact us.


Brigitte Herz

Co-Founder and Director of One World Language School